5 Reasons To Choose Quality Cat Filters
It’s common to view filters as a commodity — and to see them as an easy place to save a few bucks. After all, how different can one brand really be from the next? The reality is, even though most filters look the same on the outside, the differences inside can be significant.
The Cat Difference
The small amount you save upfront by choosing a cheaper product can cost you big in repairs and downtime later on.
The advanced design features found in Cat Fuel, Oil and Transmission Filters combine to deliver maximum efficiency and consistent quality, so you can get the most out of your machine.
Each Cat Filter is built in an automated manufacturing facility where its quality is continuously verified. And all go through multiple layers of computerized monitoring, testing and inspections to ensure that they meet high standards.<BR><BR><BR><BR>
Genuine Cat Filters have:

NO FLEXING: Spiral roving for greater pleat stability
NO METAL CONTAMINATION: A nylon center tube to prevent metal contamination
NO GAPS: Molded end caps to prevent leaks
ONE-PIECE CANISTER: Folded edges to withstand greater pressures and eliminate leaks
Even though other brands will fit your machine, they won’t provide the best protection for it, like Cat Filters will.
But just how do Cat Filters and other brands compare?
Cat Filters:
- Feature acrylic beads to maintain even pleat spacing and prevent bunching
- Eliminate bunching to help capture and hold contaminants until the next change interval
- Help to maximize the surface area throughout the life of the filter
Other Brands:
- Commonly experience pleat bunching, which leads to clogging and shorter change intervals
- Have bunching that can trigger bypass which allows contaminants to circulate through the system and cause additional wear
Cat Filters:
- Feature fiberglass spiral roving that keep media pleats from flexing as fluid travels through the media
- Eliminate pleat movement, ensuring that contaminants are captured and held away from the clean side of the media
Other Brands:
- Have pleats that often flex and release contaminants through the filter media into the clean side, resulting in additional component wear
Cat Filters:
- Use fiberglass-reinforced nylon for center tubes to eliminate a common source of metal contamination
- Are 30% stronger than typical metal tubes to help prevent collapse during pressure spikes and machine cold starts
Other Brands:
- Use metal center tubes which can carry metal contaminants left over from the manufacturing process • Allow contaminants to be picked up by the fluid from the clean side and continue through to cause component wear
Cat Filters:
- Feature molded end caps that eliminate the possibility of gaps
- Have a filter media that’s inserted into polyurethane during the manufacturing process before it hardens to create a bond that keeps contaminants confined to the dirty side of the filter
- Have an aluminum base plate that joins to the molded end cap and is enclosed within the one-piece canister, resulting in greater burst strength and the elimination of a potential source of metal contamination
Other Brands:
- Feature metal end caps that are glued on top of filter pleats
- Have end caps that gap and allow contaminants to reenter the clean side of the fiber
Cat also produces a one-piece canister with folded edges to withstand greater pressures and eliminate leaks, unlike many other brands.
The advanced design features of Cat Filters create and maintain high standards for each and every one that you use in your engine, hydraulic system and transmission. You can rest easy knowing that your Cat Filter will deliver consistent quality and protection, from when you first install it, until the next change interval.
In summary, review the infographic below to determine what separates Cat Filters from others on the market.